
Human Resources Projects

Changes are impossible without specialized training of people capable of working in the new reality. Therefore, in 2018, the Foundation began working in the sphere of human resources development . We design our own educational programs. Our main project is "School of Key Researchers".

The goal of the program is to develop professional skills and career opportunities for young researchers, aimed at establishing the position of a key researcher (Principal Investigator), who plays a major role in the implementation of research projects. The pilot program was implemented in the Tomsk Oblast -  Russia’s  “talent foundry” of human resources for science and innovation. Today the School is a universal project that can be implemented in any university or region.

We want young research teams to reach a new level, to be able to implement their projects, which means that they would prepared: to attract resources, including financial resources, to negotiate, to build a team, to plan a project, to obtain a result, to complete it according to international standards, to put it in digital knowledge bases, to make an assessment of the prospects of work in this area, and, possibly, bring it to the market. A pilot project was launched in the Tomsk Oblast. We are currently working in three large regions: Tomsk Oblast, St. Petersburg and Moscow. In St. Petersburg we have joint projects with State University of Aerospace Instrumentation and Peter the Great Polytechnic University.

In addition, in partnership with Corporate University of St. Petersburg, the Foundation conducts Schools of Change - short educational intensives aimed at developing skills in management of  new facilities or in new environment. The Foundation has already implemented projects in the field of preparing colleges and universities for work in the situation of COVID-19 restrictions, the use of artificial intelligence in urban management, and new urbanism. The ideology of the Foundation’s  personnel projects - "New activities are impossible without training, training is impossible without new activities."

The projects are based on the author's method of forming  a skill through elaboration  of a real development project, teaching the necessary "soft" skills and immersion into topical problems. Each project includes preliminary evaluation of personnel through testing, building change teams, training intensives and project defense as the next step in the development of the team and the organization.

Among the partners of the Foundation are the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Government of St. Petersburg, the Government of Tomsk Oblast, the Fund for Support of Innovations and Youth Initiatives of St. Petersburg, the Skolkovo Foundation, the SkillsCenter and several universities. In the situation of COVID-19 restrictions, the Foundation successfully implements programs in face-to-face, mixed and online formats.

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