
Provision of support for establishment of a world-class research and educational center (NOC) of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2020

Implementation period: 2020

A study to assess the potential of the region was conducted to demonstrate the need for establishment, priority specialization and projects of world-class research and educational centers in the Republic of Tatarstan (NOC MU RT).

The primary analysis demonstrated the readiness of the scientific and technological sector of the Republic of Tatarstan to create the most demanded technology and become a driver of economic growth. The republic is prepared to become a world leader in a number of industries, in particular, in the sphere of oil production, mechanical engineering and new materials. It claims to be competitive on a national level in the sphere medicine, agriculture, information technology, energy and biotechnology. Together with representatives of scientific and business communities of Tatarstan, promising areas of specialization, technology targets and a map of NOC MU RT projects were identified to be included in the NOC activity program. Circular economy was chosen as the main specialization of this NOC.

The NOC program focuses on ensuring transition of the Republic of Tatarstan to a new growth paradigm based on the principles of a circular economy, national and global leadership of the region in the area of sustainable development. The program envisages establishment of a NOC MU RT to provide scientific, technological and personnel support for the development of Tatarstan according to the principles of a circular economy, and expansion of the republic’s presence in global markets through marketing new quality products with parameters of environmental friendliness. The NOC technological projects include: extraction and processing of raw materials, organic production, ecological transport, sustainable energy, new materials, health preservation, digital management.

REC MU RT can become the first Russian territorial project competing successfully with similar foreign policy initiatives created within the framework of agreements in green economy sphere, particularly, the Greentech and Cleantech clusters, which received an impetus for development as part of the European Green Deal and within the framework of the environmental agenda after the COVID crisis. In the autumn of 2020 Tatarstan took part in the competitive selection to obtain the status of a world-class scientific and educational center.

The Republic of Tatarstan plans to continue work on the implementation of scientific and technological projects in the area of circular economy and sustainable development, including participation in federal programs and projects aimed at development of this area.

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