
Updating the Strategy of Social and Economic Development of Tomsk Oblast until 2030

Implementation period: 2020-2021 

The Strategy for the Socio-Economic Development of Tomsk Oblast until 2030 (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) was updated in 2015 (approved by the Resolution of the Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast  No. 2580) (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy-2015) and  provided the direction for raising the quality of life through new value creation in regional economy and development of the social sphere.

The goal of updating the Strategy in 2020 is to revise, supplement and adjust the priorities, tasks and projects for the development of the region in order to achieve the goals of the socio-economic development of Tomsk Oblast  and to enhance its contribution in achieving the national development goals of the Russian Federation until 2030 in the  changing  macroeconomic environment  and with due regard to national strategic goals and objectives.

Project objectives:

  • Analysis, evaluation of the results of Strategy implementation  and  of the current state of development of the region;

  • Analysis of the external and internal environment of the region's development;

  • Identification  of priority project directions and projects that ensure the achievement of goals and  priorities of socio-economic development of Tomsk Oblast and  enhance  the region's contribution to achieving national goals and strategic development objectives of the Russian Federation until 2024;

  • Development of organizational models for the implementation of projects and policies of socio-economic development of Tomsk Oblast;

  • Updating of  the forecast of socio-economic development of Tomsk Oblast until 2030;

  • Updating of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy.

As part of the work on updating the Strategy, a SWOT analysis of the region was conducted:

  • strategic session to determine the directions and objectives of the regional economic recovery after the 2020 crisis

  • a series of industry-specific business clubs with regional companies

  • a series of interviews and seminars with representatives of the ROIV

  • a series of expert interviews on key sectors of the region's socio-economic development

  • sociological surveys among companies and young people of Tomsk Oblast

  • comparative analysis of the best international practices in implementation of priority project directions for development of Tomsk Oblast.

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