Dmitry Sanatov about Principal Investigators (PI - principal investigators)
... are the main theses of Dmitry's speech. Principal researcher is a scientist or research engineer who is responsible for the current scientific agenda, is able to manage research, the research team and attract resources. PI is also an entrepreneur in science. He or she must be able to come up with ideas, fight for them and promote them, attract investors and industrial partners. Principal researchers have long been present in the structure of the division of labor in science. This position is typical ...
Изменен: 29.11.2021Путь: Главная / Новости
Provision of support to universities participating in the "5-100" Program
... Polytechnic University 2. ITMO University 3. Novosibirsk State University 4. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) 5. National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI) 6. Lobachevsky Nizhni Novgorod University 7. National University of Science and Technology MIS&S 8. National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Изменен: 17.11.2021Путь: Главная
Organizational and consulting support for development and launching the projects aimed at enhancing competitiveness of Tomsk State University
... during the work include directions, where TSU has development potential and which are relevant in the world • New educational technologies • Space technologies • Biotechnology and biomedicine In the course of the work, an analysis of breakthrough science and technology topics and the dynamics of the development of technological markets in these areas, was carried out, which made it possible to set the scientific and technological agenda, relevant for the university, and promising in terms of attracting ...
Изменен: 17.11.2021Путь: Главная
NRNU MEPhI Development Program
... academic units were held. The Higher Engineering School of NRNU MEPhI – flexible master degree educational programs for training specialists in the sphere of life cycle management of complex technology systems and objects was established. The concept for Science and Technology Innovation Center of the Kaluga Oblast on the basis of the NRNU MEPhI in the city of Obninsk was developed and the application for its establishment was submitted within the framework of the implementation of the Federal Law of ...
Изменен: 17.11.2021Путь: Главная
Life science is a trend that is gaining speed
... biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology, agricultural sciences and others. A significant impetus for the development of life sciences was the reorientation of investment flows from the defence sector to biotechnology in the US in the 1990s. The first Life Science centres appeared at universities in 2006. Since 2010, genomic research centres have been spreading more actively, and various types of special R&D infrastructure - for example, Biofoundries - have appeared. Later, to provide translational research,...
Изменен: 15.11.2021Путь: Главная / Новости
Human Resources Projects
... establishing the position of a key researcher (Principal Investigator), who plays a major role in the implementation of research projects. The pilot program was implemented in the Tomsk Oblast - Russia’s “talent foundry” of human resources for science and innovation. Today the School is a universal project that can be implemented in any university or region. We want young research teams to reach a new level, to be able to implement their projects, which means that they would prepare d: to attract ...
Изменен: 27.07.2021Путь: Главная
Science, Technology and Innovation are three major drivers of growth and development of social, economic, educational, managerial and other spheres of society. Therefore, our activities are based on these principles: scientific knowledge, commitment to ...
Изменен: 27.07.2021Путь: Главная
Эссе Марины Липецкой о формате и возможных направлениях развития сферы citizen science в России
19 апреля 2021 г. Размещаем материалы эссе Марины Липецкой о формате и возможных направлениях развития сферы citizen science в России. Материалы были подготовлены в рамках экспертной работы Фонда по перспективным форматам организации научной деятельности ...
Изменен: 19.04.2021Путь: Главная / Новости
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