
Marina Lipetskaya

Director, partner

Marina Lipetskaya

Education: Faculty of Geography and Geoecology, St. Petersburg State University. Candidate of Geographical Sciences.

Employee of the Center for Strategic Research "North-West" Foundation since 2005, since 2014 in the position of Director.  

Professional interests: strategic and organizational development, science and technology policy, development of technology markets, change management, digital economy, development of universities. Regional strategic planning and design, formation of human capital of the territory, knowledge economy.

Conducts expert activities. 

Member of the Expert Council of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, various expert groups in the federal government (Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Education and Science).

She is a member of the Council of St. Petersburg Fund to Support Innovation and Youth Initiatives. Established with the active participation of CSR North-West in 2019 to support innovative project groups and implementation of projects of change in the city.

Assists as an expert and consultant in designing development programs for leading Russian universities, such as Tomsk State University, St. Petersburg Peter the Great University, Siberian Federal University, St. Petersburg University of Aerospace Instrumentation, etc.

Acts as project manager for the development of regional and agglomeration development strategies, in particular, in 2019-2020 was the manager of the development strategy of the Tomsk region, the development strategy of the Sakhalin region, the development strategy of the Saratov agglomeration, etc. 

She accompanies projects of development of cities of presence of Rosatom State Corporation, in particular on creation of innovative territorial clusters.

She collaborates as a teacher with Peter the Great St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University, the Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, and Skolkovo Moscow School of Management.  Conducts lectures and courses on forecasting of technological development, scientific and technological policy, development of human resources potential in science and higher education. She implements author's programs of additional professional education on the basis of CSR "North-West".

In 2018 it became the leader of the personnel initiative "School of Key Researchers". The initiative is aimed at training a new generation of scientific project managers and creating a professional community of key researchers in Russia. 

In 2020, she was awarded the "Laureate of St. Petersburg Government Award" for outstanding achievements in the field of higher education and secondary vocational education.